Find Address Made Easy

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Over 2 Billion Records Available!

Find Address

There are many reasons why it may become necessary to look up a person's address. It is especially beneficial in real estate transactions, when you need to know the names of previous owners or to verify the value of a property.

Outside of the realm of real estate, there are also many other instances that you may find the need to look up an address. This includes anything from verifying the names of people who currently reside or previously used to live at a particular address to finding the phone number associated with it.

If you want to look up an individual, like an old high school sweetheart or family member you have lost touch with, they can be easily located by using any address you have for them, whether current or previous.

We make the process of looking up an address very straight-forward. All you need to do is enter the city and street address that you want to search. To obtain the best results, we recommend including the state and/or zip code.

It does not matter whether you are trying to find out the name of someone who lives at a specific address or you solely need to identify the ownership history of a property, performing an address lookup through Advanced-People-Search can accurately facilitate the results you are looking for, fast.


Hank and I parted ways in January 1982. I found him on your site in September 2007. In May 2009 we moved to Montana and bought a ranch. Without your site, I might still be alone in Colorado. Thanks for helping me refind my soul mate!

— Martha D., MT.